For us the choice of office is a long way, which began with a rental apartment in the center of Bishkek. After there were both private houses and offices in large business centers. And here we are now in ololo Erkindik
@ololocity. And we realized that we had found our corner in this "anthill". This is a special atmosphere that cannot be said in words. I can only give a few examples of what we have changed:.
- There are many people, parallel courses, seminars and exhibitions. It is always interesting to get out and unwind, and this is especially important for programmers as creative people. A lot of people are passing by our office, considering it's near the entrance. But some of them stop by and in less than a year we've been here, we've made dozens of deals and partnerships, just because we were recognized by the logos of our products. My staff and I joke that we don't pay for office rentals, we pay for banner ads on our office doors.
- Here you can meet a lot of interesting people (for example, meet with
@amanaliev and get advice on many issues).
- Here is our accounting office "Cherikov and partners"
@cherikovpartners (best in KG) and our legal advice person